Non-Invasive Weight Loss Gastric Balloons

Nowadays, there are several options for weight loss available. People are always looking for quick ways to lose extra weight, whether through trendy diets like keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, and the all-liquid diet or by weight reduction treatments like tablets, laxatives, herbal teas, and supplements.

People these days also opt for cosmetic surgical options like liposuction, but for those looking for non-invasive weight loss methods, Gastric Balloon is an excellent option.

What is a Gastric Balloon?

Gastric Balloons are medical inflated silicone devices inserted into the patient’s stomach. A saline solution is poured into the balloon after it is inserted into the stomach. 

Who can get a Gastric Balloon?

You are eligible for Gastric Balloon in the following cases:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • You must be obese and have a BMI of at least 27

Additionally, there are some of the following medical conditions may make you ineligible for this weight loss program:

  • A big diaphragm hernia, blockage, adhesive peritonitis, or gastrointestinal surgery.
  • Severe lung, liver, or renal problems.
  • Chronic, ongoing steroid treatment.

How does Gastric Balloon work?

Gastric Balloon limits the amount of food the stomach can hold. As a result, the patient develops a sense of satiety and fullness with less food.

Although it is ideal for the balloons to stay inside the stomach for no longer than four- six months, some gastric balloons may now be kept for up to twelve months, thanks to technological advancements. Endoscopy is used to remove it, just as it is used to insert it inside the stomach.

It is crucial to keep in mind that, even though gastric balloons are efficient at reducing food intake, which generally results in weight loss, they should be used in conjunction with a nutritious diet. Exercise is key to maintaining an active lifestyle and achieving weight loss goals.

What results should you expect after the Gastric Balloon procedure?

Results vary from person to person and rely on a person’s lifestyle, nutrition, and how their body reacts to the change. Any patient’s goal is obviously to lose at least 1 kilogramme per week for 24 weeks, ultimately leading to weight loss over the entire course of treatment. But remember that the patient’s situation ultimately determines how much weight is lost.

What are the benefits of a Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon offers a boost to begin losing weight, but you now have additional options and a better grasp of healthy behaviours. Your efforts to keep an eye on your eating patterns and weight loss are successful.

Even though the balloon is no longer there, your current life inspires you to keep moving forward in the direction of health and happiness and never look back.

Are you looking for a non-invasive weight loss method? Gastric Balloon is the way to go!

At Gastric Balloon Dubai, we offer surgical and non-surgical treatments assisted with advanced techniques and procedures. Our bariatric surgeon Dr Girish Juneja is a specialist in this domain and helps severely obese patients to shed pounds to a great extent. We provide endoscopic procedures and minimally invasive methods to assist patients in achieving their weight loss objectives, regaining their confidence, and leading a long healthy life ahead.

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